Why choose a

natural soap?

Why choose natural soap?

Our skin is the largest organ and the only exterior organ in our body which is worn for all to see. It comes in contact with pollutants everyday and funnily enough some of which are found in commercial soaps. When you choose to wash with a commercial soap you are in fact washing with a detergent considering the chemical ingredients used to make them. Ingredients that are definitely not kind to skin.

Wonder why your skin feels tight

after using commercial soap?

One of the reasons for this is because the natural by-product ‘glycerol’ has been removed from the soap. This natural humectant is what draws hydration to skin and locks in moisture. It is naturally produced during the process of soap making and always remains in natural soap. Unfortunately, this moisture gold is generally removed from commercial soaps for the purpose of extending a soap’s shelf life and then sold separately. By extracting the more commonly known ‘glycerine’ produces a harder bar of soap but also means that this soap will dry out skin causing the need to apply lotions and moisturisers. And guess what? These lotions and moisturisers contain that wonderful glycerine that was extracted from soap in the first place. Seems as though this is done purposely! Well yes, because this by-product costs nothing to make but is financially more valuable in other areas one of which is the skincare industry.

So what is so bad about commercial soap?

Commercial soaps are mass produced in factories using machinery that produces tonnes of waste that are not environmentally friendly. These soaps very often use harmful ingredients such as petrochemicals to make a quicker and cheaper product. All for financial profit that bares no benefit to skin. Some of the nasties found in commercial soaps listed here:


Are chemical preservatives to extend the shelf life of soap and are generally found in many other beauty and skincare products.


Known as plasticizers they are often used to help lubricate and bind other ingredients such as a fragrance helping to hold and extend the fragrance for longer.

Sulphates - SLS

Are detergents that binds oil, dirt and grease. They produce an instant lather with an intense cleaning action. Its linked to skin irritation and allergic reactions.

Colours + Fragrances

Attractive to the eyes and nose however these synthetic ingredients can be aggravating to skin and cause health issues.

Natural Oils

Natural soaps use plant, fruit + animal oils for the base of soaps. The higher the quality, the better the soap. Combine these oils with the natural by-product glycerol and you have a soap that will clean, nourish, moisturise and make a very noticeable difference to skin.

Benefits of choosing natural soap?

Skin-loving Additives

The best part of making natural soap with the cold process method is extra nourishing ingredients can be added to boost the texture of skin. Ingredients such as oats, milks, honey, aloe vera, charcoal, plant powders, flower powders, oil infusions, clays etc. will bring colour alongside therapeutic qualities.

Saving Money

People complain about the cost of natural soap. With all the information considered, it makes complete sense that for a few extra quid and care paid toward looking after your natural soap, you will spend less in the long run buying all those moisturisers and lotions.

Essential Oils

Essential oils is the most natural option for scenting natural soap. They give the soap the truest scent whilst bringing the therapeutic qualities that each oil has to offer. They will not cause a ‘fragrance’ headache and will not cause skin irritation.

Environmentally Friendly

Natural soap is 100% biodegradable and will not pollute or harm the waterways and natural wildlife. When a soap maker is environmentally conscious they will ensure that all packaging is biodegradable or recyclable.

Small Business

When you buy natural soap you are supporting a small business usually in you local community. Small soap businesses pay close attention to their work with the passion and dedication that first drove them to make.

So in a nutshell, you can’t really compete with nature.

It always has our best interests at heart!

Find out more about how to care for

your natural soap