The inspiration behind the name Beyond the Ferns

The name Beyond the Ferns signifies a place of pureness and tranquillity. A place where nature has the power to cleanse and heal the mind, body and soul. For a long time painting has been a therapeutic outlet for me so when deciding on the name for Beyond the Ferns, the painting shown here sprung to mind. It was painted a long time ago when my littlest was 3yrs. Being quite a visual person, choosing a name that would evoke a scene of nature at its best felt the truest approach to take. It brings back all those memories from the many woodland walks had finding calm and wonderous adventure in the early years of raising children. Leaving the forest always felt like a mindful cleanse which is how I wish for my soaps to leave you!

As an artist finds the beauty in the ordinary its my passion to make the ordinary bar of soap beautiful.

Beyond the Ferns is available in an archival print

Beyond the Ferns Archival Print
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Beyond the Ferns Archival Print

This painting is the painting that inspired the name Beyond the Ferns. It was painted a long time ago from the many woodland walks had in the forests of Wicklow. This particular forest was Devil’s Glen where lots of exploring and nature discoveries were found. Found memories.

*Important to note that prints are only available for collection at the moment.

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Floral Breeze Archival Print

Floral Breeze is one from a series of paintings that was painted from the inability to resist picking wild flowers on some summer’s long evening strolls.

*Important to note that prints are only available for collection at the moment.

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